Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Interview with Becoming Akh!

Band: Becoming Akh
Genre: Progressive Deathcore / Djent

Q: Where does the band name "Becoming Akh" come from?

All throughout middle and high school, my favorite subjects were usually social studies and history, and I was fascinated by ancient Egyptian culture. When I began writing for this band, I tried to draw some heavy influence from Nile and base my lyrics around similar themes that they had, and I delved more into my previous studies, and I learned more about their religion during their time and what their beliefs on the afterlife were about. They had what is called an akh, which is the spirit that looks after someone in the afterlife, providing good luck and vibes for someone, or even bring the opposite to someone they did not like when they were alive. So Becoming Akh is pretty much that, becoming a spirit and influencing the life of others.

Q: The band has been around for only a year. Why did the band start so late?

The band has technically been around even longer than that, going through a couple name changes and originally starting as a 2-man project with my friend Josh Lefferts. When we had to change our original name, we decided to take a different route from it, but I also wanted to stick to the original idea for the band and do it all myself.  It was also because over time I wanted to improve my production skills and equipment in order to get a proper release out.

Q: Your two demos, self-titled EP, and single are for free download. Why did you choose to release them for free instead of charging for them?

Honestly, it's hard to make any sort of money in the music industry today. I went into this knowing that people would want to go and find the album on a blogspot or something and download it from there, so I decided to release them all for free myself and at least know how many people were getting it from me. I plan on doing so with most future releases from this band as well.

Q: Your EP recently released, how has the feedback been?

Mostly positive, which I'm kind of shocked about a bit. I'm mainly a guitar player, so I was skeptical of myself doing the drums and especially the vocals, which is kind of why I wanted to get the instrumental versions out. But I've had people tell me my vocals give the EP a different vibe, and they dug the ambient portions of the music. Of course, I've had people not like them at all, but to each his own.

Q: You're a one-man band. Why did you choose this route instead of doing the traditional band route?

I've been in several garage bands throughout high school, and I've always wanted to get my own production equipment for every one I was in. When nothing seemed to be working out at the time, I just said "Fuck it" and decided to record myself to wait and see if anyone would want to collaborate with me. Eventually, it just became a solo project entirely. And when I did get it started and going, people were wanting to join in now, but I had to tell them that this has become my thing and my thing only.

Q: What are your plans for 2013?

Well, I've begun writing for the next EP I'm working on and a little on the full-length to follow, so I'll be releasing both later this year. I also am involved in several other projects going on, like my actual full-time deathcore band Face Yourself and my internet hardcore project Destabilize. Both also have albums coming out this year, with Face Yourself's first EP, Cold, coming out later this month, and Destabilize's LP Quarantine, which does not have a set date yet, but we do have a single on our Facebook out from it. I am also wanting to take some clients on to produce albums for them. (I'm cheap, hit me up!!!!)

Q: Do you have any shout outs to give?

Oh yeah. I want to thank my friends Blaine, Taylor, and Garrett in Sisyphean Conscience, Balbs, Austin, and Levi in the funk band Father Mars. Jackson, Jesus, Robert, and Sam in my band Face Yourself. Chase, Justin, and Kevin in the Seventh Penalty. My friends Shawn, Steven, Jeremiah for all just being bros, and all those bands deserve to be checked out.

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