Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Interview with Before The Prophecy!

Band: Before The Prophecy
Genre: Metalcore

Q: Where does the band name "Before The Prophecy" come from?

"Before The Prophecy" comes from the idea that we are living in the time before everything falls apart. The "Prophecy" is a play on the widely spread idea that it will happen soon, as portrayed in many religions, cultures, etc. Are we over hyped up "doomsday preppers"? No, but don't expect the next 50 years to be smooth sailing!

Q: Your debut EP, [collapse] released recently. How was the feedback from the fans and other bands?

The feedback has been overwhelming! We've only been around a year, and had never expected to sell 50+ physical CD's so quickly, with more being bought every couple days. It's like the people buying the EP, talking to us about it, etc have come out of the blue! Motivating, and humbling, to say the least.

Q: You are not signed to any label right now. If you had the choice of any label to be signed to, which one would that be?

That is a really tough question, considering being signed to a label isn't the highest on our priority list. But let's say we got a truly awesome deal offered to us. It would be without a doubt Metal Blade Records. The quality of bands they sign is awesome, along with the things we've heard about them through friends and small talk with touring bands.

Q: How is the local metal scene in Warren, MI?

The entire local music scene in MI is struggling. We're unsure if it's the economy in Metro Detroit, or the internet allowing kids to discover new music and socialize instead of in person at shows, or an over saturation of bands all struggling to get out there? It's discouraging, but it's still alive. A large number of all the major venues in Metro Detroit have shut down, so we're very limited to where we can play, or where local shows are even held anymore. We have faith it'll turn around eventually.

Q: What bands have you played with live? Which one has been your most favorite?

With this band, we've shared the stage with acts such as Bermuda, King Conquer, In Dying Arms, Forms, The Last Ten Seconds of Life, Famous Last Words, Dweller, and a ton of awesome local bands. I'd say our favorite was Bermuda. Their performance was awesome, and they are super cool guys. Really social, and super humble.

Q: Plans for 2013?

We are going to begin the pre-production process for our first full length in a month or so. So expect that at the end of the year, all new material with a huge focus on getting to an original sound. Out of state shows, mini tours, another music video at the end of the year, and a ton of videos on YouTube of the stuff we're doing! Busy busy busy!

Q: Any shout outs to give to the readers?

Oh man, too many to remember. Thank you Justin Reich at The Antimatter Studio, Kyle Odell at Think Sound Studio, Joshua Wickman at Dreadcore Studios for setting up gear/selling us gear, Tyler LaBeau and Jason Jacobs at Revive Booking for always hooking us up, Nick Holland at Diamond Dead Media, Anthony Gattine Photography, Tony Asta, our brother in Battlecross for the encouraging words at one of our first shows, anyone who has come out to a show, bought an EP, stuck through with us over the years of different projects, and thank you PSAB for the interview!

Answered by Brandon, the bass player.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone must see this band! Their energy is raw & infectious. Such a good show every time!
