Friday, August 15, 2014

Interview with Murder Your Maker!

Genre(s): Deathcore
Location: Brisbane

PSAB: Where does the band name "Murder Your Maker" come from?  

Rani: From Guy. 

Guy: Just to clear the air! The last episode of Prototype “Murder your Maker” had no influence what so ever on being our band name haha, we were halfway through recording our debut single “Servant of Death” when our session drummer made us aware of the coincidence haha. We as a band were much more focused on our sound rather than coming up with a name that we would all agree on. 

Don’t get me wrong there were times when we would get pissed off and would try come up with a decent name that we would all like but that just didn’t happen until we actually started to record. It got to the stage where had to actually start promoting ourselves so that we could actually promote the new song. We had a list of band names “Servant of Death” even being one of those, we all agreed on Murder Your Maker being the most suitable and brutal and to incorporate “Servant of Death” into our first song. So the name purely came off the top off my head, I like it cause its open to interpretation, all people can view it some way or another and its brutal as fuck! 

Josh: I was in another band with Guy and Rani prior to this happening and we never really had a name we all agreed upon. There was a time when we would just get drunk and argue about names instead of writing music. But yeah Guy had come up with this idea after our old band parted ways and he got myself and Rani back on board for this and it's all sweet now! I think it sounds brutal enough to fit our sound and it's somewhat open to interpretation so that's good too.   

PSAB: You recently released your debut single "Servant of Death." How has the feedback been for that?

: We’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback, both from our friends and from random fans who have found our music online. All the positive feedback has made us absolutely stoked to progress further with music writing, which will be much heavier than what we’ve already released 

Guy: I’m really stoked with all the feedback we have received! It’s the first time I’ve had my vocals recorded professionally and it’s been a blast! I couldn’t be happier with the result. It gets me psyched to keep writing and to really show people what we can do. “Servant of Death” was really a test to see what sound we could produce. Now we know what we can do we are more than eager to bring much more hate and destruction your way! 

Josh: Well I know Rani has prior experience in bands, but for myself this is a first.  So it's crazy to see the positive feedback we've had after releasing the track. I still don't feel like I can call myself an actual guitarist yet though - I'm not that skilled or fast at this stage. But the feedback has definitely motivated me to keep progressing and write more music! It's rewarding when I go on facebook and read inboxes from people in other countries telling me they bang their fucking heads to our song / asking us to play overseas.. Or people here in Brisbane at shows coming up and saying they heard our teaser and it blew them away. All that stuff is great to me and I never expected any of it. 

PSAB: You have many music influences from other bands. What are the top three bands that play the most influence on your music?

: Despised Icon, Signal the Firing Squad, Thy Art is Murder. Collectively we all listen to a large variation of music, both metal and otherwise, which influences us in varied ways.  

Guy: For me it would have to be Whitechapel! Phil Bozeman is my favourite vocalist and influences the fuck out of me. There are also a lot of other bands like Suicide Silence, Depths, TAIM, TRS, Make Them Suffer, Fleshgod Apoc, Chelsea Grin and a whole lot more but Whitechapel, Fleshgod Apocalypse and Chelsea Grin would definitely be my top 3 influences for sure. 

Josh: My main influences are Whitechapel - especially A New Era Of Corruption.. Thy Art Is Murder - the notorious Infinite Death EP.. Shinto Katana - We Can't Be Saved.. Despised Icon - mainly The Ill's Of Modern Man and Day Of Mourning (their tech > breakdown > slam formula absolutely kills it) and Ingested - Surpassing The Boundaries Of Human Suffering, I just really love slams lately. 

I really appreciate when bands go from fast to slow and crushing sections, and slam is good for that. The first times that I accidentally heard the bands I listed above, their sounds made my jaw literally drop and gave me fucking goosebumps all over - that's what I want our music to do to people! 

PSAB: What is the local metal scene like in Brisbane?

: There’s a lot of amazing bands from Brisbane, with really talented musicians. The scene has suffered some setbacks due to a lot of all age venues being shut down, but people are keen as ever to support their local bands.

: I love the deathcore scene in Brisbane. I sometimes can't go to all the shows I want to, but I try to get out there as much as I can. I'm not an overly social person, and crowds make me slightly uncomfortable at times, but most people are down to Earth in the scene here, I think. 

Australia has a bit of a reputation for having some really good deathcore, and Brisbane is no different - Enfield, A Night In Texas and Tomb Of Doom are my favourite Brisbane bands at the moment. So ridiculously talented and heavy as fuck. I just can't wait til we have a full line up and a full set of songs to play cause I'm keen to get on shows and take this further - we just need a drummer and one or two more guitarists to do that! 

PSAB: If you could have one musician featured on one of your songs, which musician would that be?

: I’d personally love to have Alex Terrible featured on one of our songs, as I think he’d fit the tone of our music perfectly. 

Guy: Phil Bozeman for sure I would give both of my nuts to open up the gates of hell with that monster on stage!

Josh: Steve Marois of Despised Icon, the one who did the pig squeals, fuck. Those brees. I mean go and listen to Les Temps Changent right now and skip to 2:13, the slam and those vocals until about 2:40. Those vocals are just about brutal enough to conjure the devil! I would pay $1000 to get guest vocals from him haha. 

PSAB: Do you have any shout outs to give to the readers? 

Josh: Yeah, just want to thank anyone who read all of this and took an interest in Murder Your Maker because this is really something we're all passionate about and want to see people getting into. We appreciate the support of every single person who listened to or shared our single Servant Of Death, and hope to outdo that song with what we have coming in the near future. 

Hit up our Facebook page and like/share us and keep up to date with what we have coming in 2015:, and here's the updated Youtube link for the single: 

Murder Your Maker.

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