Monday, November 12, 2012

Interview with Enemy AC-130 Above!

Band: Enemy AC-130 Above
Genre: Instrumental Deathcore / Metalcore

Q: What influenced your decision to start producing music by yourself, instead of forming the normal kind of band?

Well I had been in a lot of bands before and I was actually in one when I started recording my own music. I guess I just got sick of my bands never following through and always breaking up. Being a musician is what I've always wanted to do and I want it more than anything. Sometimes you just have to do it all yourself if you want it bad enough.

Q: Why have you not used vocals of your own in your songs? Do you prefer instrumental songs more?

To be honest I'm not comfortable doing vocals. There was a time where I practiced a while and was ok at them, but it's just not me. Not only that but I found that a lot of people love the instrumentals. I would like to find a good vocalist that I think fits my music though. I can always upload both instrumental and vocal versions of my songs.
Q: If you could have your music used for one band, any band at all, what band would that be?

Oh man that's a tough one. Well probably by one of my two favorite bands at the moment, either Northlane or Like Moths To Flames.
Q: What was your favorite person to work with thus far?

I enjoy working with everyone. I do a lot of work with my fans and I like to get them involved if possible. As for known musicians I've been working with Shawn O'Brien from Above This for a while and I've done some stuff with Zach Norman from Beyond Our Eyes. Both are great guys and have a lot of talent.

Q: Will there be any major differences your fans will notice between your first EP Enemy AC-130 Above (2011), and your upcoming new album Illusionist (2012)?

Oh yes, for sure. My old stuff was... well not very good haha. The structure of the songs was all over the place and the quality was kinda awful. My new stuff is more technical and sounds a million times better. The music style has changed a bit too. Some people have said that my music sounds like deathcore mixed with metalcore elements, and a bit of djent influence here and there. I guess I agree haha.  I'm trying to create the best music I can for my fans.

Q: Are you more excited to release your new album now, than what you were for  your first EP?

Definitely. This feels more like an official release and I also have a way bigger fan base now. I'm usually not the one to brag but I think everyone will be blown away. Like I said I'm not rushing this. I'm taking my time and making it sound as good as possible, while trying to add some unique stuff as well. I hope everyone is excited for it!

Q: Why have you chosen, up until now, to release your music for free?

I feel like you have to sacrifice some things if you want to make it far as a musician. For me money really isn't  important. I started making music by myself just for fun and the quality was pretty bad so obviously I wasn't going to make people buy it. Since then I have progressed to a point where people say my recordings sound pretty professional. 
There has to be point where I start making a little money off of it if I want to continue making music. I'm not expecting to make a lot of money, just enough to help me keep recording and such. But at the same time I just like making music and giving it away and hopefully making every ones day a little better. My dream is to make music, not to make millions doing it.

Q: Can we expect new and free downloadable singles in 2013?

Yes for sure! I already have some cool new things in the works for next year! I can't wait to show everyone!

Q: What are your plans, musically wise, after Illusionist is released? Work on a new EP for 2013?

Well, I'll probably take a short break then go back to my usual style of releasing a new single every once in a while. Then possibly at the end of 2013 start a new EP depending on where my life is at the point.

Q: Any persons, companies, or bands you would like to give a shout out to?

I'd like to say thank you to my mom for supporting what I do. Also thank you to anyone that has shared my music and helped me get to where I am now. I am truly thankful to have such awesome fans and people supporting what I do. I love you all.

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