Monday, March 25, 2013

Interview with Straight To The Guillotine!

Band: Straight To The Guillotine
Genre: Progressive Deathcore

Q: Where does the band name "Straight To the Guillotine" come from?

Our name comes from passing of countless random pointless names in our studio. It was between God Crusher or this, so we decided not to pick to many fights with parents and chose this.

Q: You started in October of 2012. Why did you start so late?

Honestly the band has been going for the past couple years ha but with our younger members we've finally put stuff up on Facebook and such.

Q: How is the local metal scene in Fort Wayne, IN?

Overall there are some really cool dudes around town that we play with, locally, and as a crowd it's usually the same 50 people or so but the atmosphere is always amazing.

Q: What made you want to start making music?

We've all just had a love for metal for as long as we can remember. It's the only thing we like to do pretty much. We have shitty jobs and bills to worry about and making music is one of the most freeing things you can do. Our guitarists, Pete and Dustin, have invested about $30,000 in our studio and practice space over the last 14 years, and it's been worth every penny to do what we love.

Q: If you could be signed to any label, which label would prefer to be signed to?

If it could be any label it would probably be under Metal Blade. They have plenty of great names under their belt, and, for what I know, they're pretty good to their bands.

Q: What are your plans for this year?

As of right now our plans are to release our EP by March 28th and our full length sometime in the summer. We have a couple bigger shows scheduled for may 6th with The Faceless and may 17th with The Holy Guile. 

Q: Any shout outs to give?

For our friends back home: Summon the Ancients, The Astros Porta, Super Saiyan 3, and Massive Repulsive. For influences: Despised Icon, The Black Dalia Murder, I Declare War, and Behemoth. For religious: We are self made. For support: all our family and friends are amazing, and Saints Shows for giving us a place to belong.

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