Band: Thy Flesh Consumed
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Q: Where does the band
name "Thy Flesh Consumed" come from?
The name came from Doom 2, which I played obsessively as a kid. I had it in mind
for a band name for a while and I then later found out it was paraphrased from
a macabre part of the bible (proverbs 5:11) – which is the significance of the
numbers 5 & 11 on the TFC skull symbol.
Q: What is the local
metal scene like in Norwich, UK?
Q: What bands play the most influence on your music and why?
Particularly drum machine bands influenced me a lot around the age of 16 because they prompted me to take the initiative and start proactively writing more alone. It was at that age I started with home recording and using drum machines to write music. Not having to rely on others (at the time it was hard to find others who were into extreme metal) and being able to write the music I liked was great. Eventually people who were into similar music started to take interest and I found other people to work with. Admittedly looking back a lot of it did sound like a bad Mortician rip off band haha.
Q: If you could play with any band, broken or not, which band would it be and why?
Q: When can we expect new material from you?
Q: What are your plans for the rest of this year? New EP? Tour?
Q: Any
shout outs to give?
Thanks to Micah &
Pig squeals And Breakdowns for the interview! Shout outs to Delirium, Pain Penitentiary, Shrapnel, Agonyst, Party Cannon,
Swine Overlord, Necrocest, Bizarre Nick and Diseased Maggotectomy.

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