Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Interview with Transcending The Flesh!

Band: Transcending The Flesh
Genre: Deathcore

Q: Why did you choose the name "Transcending The Flesh" for your band?

Transcending The Flesh was a name was picked out of a number of other suggestions that were put in a hat (literally), It could have just as easily been Die One Thousand Deaths or IAMTHEMINOTAUR amongst others.

Q: When did you get the idea to start making heavier styled music?

When the band set out it was with the expressed intention of making heavy music. Each of us have a good amount of metal and all its sub genres in our music collections and we’ve all been in bands making heavy music before.

Q: When can we expect a new EP/album, and will it be as good as Eternal Suffering was?

We’re actually putting the finishing touches to the last track that we’re writing for an EP we’re hoping to have out around summer time. We hope our next EP will be better than Eternal Suffering as one of our goals as a band is to refine our sound and get heavier with each new song. Notably we have a new vocalist for this EP and we feel his style will certainly give us a different tone to our last recordings. Keep an eye out for a one track demo we’re putting out soon.

Q: How is the local metal scene where you're located?

I think looking at some of the bands we’ve played shows with is a real testament to our local scene. The promoters who put on these bigger shows put some real effort in to attracting some of these huge bands to our area, which isn’t exactly on most tour schedules. The bands produced in our part of the UK are often amazing such as Foreboding Ether and Then The Wave Came.

Q: You've played with a good amount of big-name bands: Chimaira, Thy Art Is Murder, Here Comes The Kraken, etc. Which band has been your favorite to play with?

I’d probably have to say our show with Thy Art Is Murder was a favourite. Those guys have been an influence on us and to have shared a stage with them was awesome! That being said It was a privilege to play with each and every band you have mentioned and not mentioned.
Q: What are your plans for this year?

This year we’d really like to get our EP out, get our sound to more people and if we’re lucky do a short tour or something. Fingers crossed eh?

Q: Do you have any shout outs to give to the readers?

Everyone should check out the following bands: Foreboding Ether, Dripback and Then The Wave Came

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