Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Interview with Written by the Victor!

Band: Written by the Victor
Genre: Progressive / Djent

Q: Why did you choose the name "Written By The Victor" as your band name?

We wanted a name that meant something above all and written by the victor is a reference to how the fate of humanity is constantly shaped by the victors of wars personal global financial despite their moral agenda history is always written by the victors.
Q: What is the local metal scene like in Bridgend, South Wales?

It's not to bad we live in the small town of Bridgend we have one decent venue which host some reputable bands called hobos and is generally cool place where you can get away from the rest of the towns many dance clubs and pubs.
Q: You are not currently signed to a record label, which label would like to be signed to the most and why?
That's a tough question there are so many good labels but it would be a dream to be signed to Basick or Sumerian as most of our influences are signed to them.
Q: What bands did you listen to growing up? Do those bands play an influence in your music now?

Yea for sure after The Burial, Sikth, and Veil of Maya were a huge part of our collective influence also bands like Lamb of God, At The Gates and Pantera. 
Q: What are your plans for this year? New EP? Tour?
We are currently working on a album which i think we will release some of as we gear up for giging and hopefully touring were currently looking for a bass player and purchasing equipment to play live shows.
Q: Any shout outs to give?

Yea sure every band we have mentioned in this interview for sure my friend Joe Crow's band Vanity Kills my studio were we record all our music Glastonbury Studios and our Bandcamp. Where you can purchase our EP by clicking buy now and entering 0.00 pounds for a free copy or you can pay what you think its worth and hasten our journey to playing venues near you ;)

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