Friday, April 26, 2013

Interview with I, The Consumer!

Band: I, The Consumer
Genre: Black Metal

Q: Why did you choose the name "I, The Consumer" for your band?

The name came to me after a dream I had about Skyrim where my character was standing on the throat of the world shouting "I am the consumer of dragons souls" so I thought I, The Consumer would be a good idea for a name seeing as I wanted to write songs based on Skyrim 
Q: How is the local metal scene in Anglesey?

Sadly there isn't much of a metal scene here. There is one metal band here that I know off but they very rarely play shows anymore. It's mainly folk bands and acoustic cover groups. 

Q: You're a one-man band, why did you choose this route instead of the traditional route?

I chose to do I, The Consumer as a one man band because I like having creative control. I did once have a drummer and a guitarist but they shortly left after joining. It feels much better being a one man band because I know exactly what's going into every song 
Q: What bands play an influence on your music?

Out of all my influences Darkthrone has to be my main influence. They were the band that got me into black metal and they are the ones who inspired me to play black metal inspired stuff. Apart from black metal bands my main influences are: Dethklok, Revocation, Quest for Fire, Napalm Death and The Black Dahlia Murder. 

Q: You will be releasing an album sometime this year, when can we expect this album?
I was planning to release the album on the 30th of this month but due to technical difficulties it may be released at a later date. But hopefully it should be released soon. 
Q: What are your goals for this year?

I have a few things in the pipeline at the moment. I am currently writing the second full length album which will be called "darkness returns". I am planning a music video and I am in the process of starting a 2 man side project which I will release more details about in the upcoming months
Q: Do you have any shout outs to give?

Shout outs to my boys in circle spectre haunting, to torn flesh records for promoting this band and to Rozzys rock shop for supplying all my gear

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