Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Interview with Kava Hu!

Band: Kava Hu
Genre: Metalcore

Q: Where does the band name "Kava Hu" come from?

Well, the name means Black (kava) Wasp (hu) and comes from the "guaraní" language, which is a tribe that moved from center America to South America establishing their place in Paraguay, South Brazil and Northeast Argentina (where we come from) before the "discovering" of America. We prefer to call it genocide.

Q: When did you know you wanted to start making music?

We are brothers so we grew up together listening to a lot of music, different genres even, but I think the click to start making music was definitely Pantera. My brother (Cesar) would jam to Far Beyond Driven 24/7 and eventually I (Matt) became addicted to them. We've always been in different bands from a very young age, and then it was around 2008 when we decided that we should have our own band and write heavy stuff. 

We've been through a lot of members changing until 2010 when we decided to break up. Like 1 year later we turned it into an "online" project (with plans to be a band again soon) because Cesar lives in Berlin now and I'm still living in Barcelona. So anytime we have a chance to record new music, we do it. We've been playing together and listening to the same music for so long that when we lock up ourselves in a room, it doesn't take us much time to write and record a song.
Q: How is the local metal scene in Barcelona?

I think is growing up like hell in matters of bands, better productions, etc. But, there's still too much to do. Bands need to be a little more united, Eg: thrashers should stop bashing modern metal bands, or stop thinking about who someone looks. That's just pure crap. Sometimes I think sub-genres are like religions, nations. Pure bullshit to divide us. Spain is in crisis now so most of the people wouldn't go to your underground metal show... and we better not talk about extreme metal, that's even harder. They prefer to save it for booze or drugs, and I kind of understand it. I guess everywhere is the same.

Q: If you could be signed to a record label, which label would it be and why?

I think the best option now is to do it yourself and save as much money as you can for self promotion. But if we have to choose, I think it would be something like Basick Records cause we love tech metal and some of their bands are our favourite bands (Ion Dissonance, Damned Spring Fragantia, etc).

Q: What band would you like to come back from hiatus or breaking up?

Pantera. We'd definitely go to a show if Zakk Wylde is filling in. Of course it wouldn't be the same without the great Dimebag but...

Q: What are your plans for the rest of this year?

Record more songs and try to release 2 EPs simultaneously by the end of this year. We've recorded an EP back in 2010 when we used 6 string that we can't release yet. And we're finishing a second one all written with 8 string.

Q: Any shout outs to give?

Yes! To Gorka Dresbaj which is the producer of our first EP and helped us a lot. To all of our guests in our past and future releases, our brothers in Donuts Hole, Seba Sendon (another great producer) and his band Inner Xpose. To you, BeheadingTheTraitor and all the promoters out there! To all the bands we've shared stage with. To ex-members. To all our friends around the world and the people that supports us! Thank you all!


  1. Aaaaagghh!!!,,,Kava hu is the new blood for MEtal!!

  2. Hello! I'm Matt from Kava Hu. If anyone cares, I've made a mistake explaining the name. 'Kava' is Wasp and 'Hu' is Black. Thank you Micah!
