Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Interview with Dethrone The Sovereign!

Band: Dethrone The Sovereign
Genre: Deathcore

Q: Why did you choose the name "Dethrone The Sovereign" for your band name?

We actually got our name from TBDM's lyrics in the song Thy Horror Cosmic
Q: Your debut EP Autocracy Dismantled is set to release on the 21st of this month. What can we expect from this EP?

The EP is pretty well rounded. Technical progressive metal, melodic harmonies, epic keyboard riffs, solos, heavy breakdowns, classical parts, excellent production recorded by High Vibe Recordings in Salt Lake City.
Q: What is the local metal like in Salt Lake City, UT?

Great, there's soo many talented musicians in this city.
Q: You're currently not signed to a record label. Which label would you like to be signed to the most and why?
Hmm the most? Probably Sumerian but we'd be pretty happy with anything at this point
Q: What plays an influence on your music? This can be non-music related.

We're really into "conspiracy theories" and exposing the new world order/illuminati/whatever you want to call the collective that's controlling and running our society into the ground. All of our lyrics are about opening your mind to what's really going on so we can all "dethrone the sovereign" and live a truly free life. 
Q: What are your plans for this upcoming summer?


Q: Do you have any shout outs to give?

Yeah, everyone that's bought a pre-order bundle and has been helping us spread the word about our new album! We greatly appreciate all the support, thank you soo much!

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