Band: Idolized
Genre: Groove / Bounce / Metalcore
Q: Why did you choose the name "Idolized" for your band?
It took us about 3 months or so to really decide on a name that fit us musically and as people, but we came across Idolized and felt it really fit our vibe. To us, it means to idolize yourself for who you are; not for what people think of you. Do what you admire and love and don't let anyone try and bring you down for that.
Q: What is the local metal scene like in Naples, FL?
In Naples, it's actually kind of dead. For a few years it was going somewhat steady until the venues started closing and all the band kids went off to college. Bands like King Conquer came out of Naples, but about 20 miles up in Ft. Myers, Port Charlotte, or even further, Tampa; the scene is really cool, especially for the whole new-age hardcore thing.
Q: What plays an influence on your music? This can be not music related.
Well, it may sound lame, but life itself is a huge influence on everything we do, every little or big thing that happens in whatever situation somehow effects the lyrics of a song. And we try to portray that in a way that people who've experienced similar happenings can relate and dig our music for that purpose as well.
Q: What plays an influence on your music? This can be not music related.
Musically, 50's swing is a big part of what we base certain aspects of our riffs off of.
But all of our members listen to a lot of different stuff from Deathmetal, to hardcore, to 90's emo, to, of course, 50's swing and we get inspiration for our music from all of that as well.
Q: If you could be signed to any label, which label would that be and why?
To be entirely honest, we aren't sure. We'd be more than happy to be just big enough to tour full time, whether that means having an awesome label backing us or going it alone.
Like every band, we'd be absolutely ecstatic to get signed, but for us music is our lives and greatest dream, so even if we never had that opportunity, we'd still put our all into Idolized and everything it stands for.
Q: When can we expect new material?
We're actually in the process of recording an EP with Kirkbride Recordings that will hopefully be out by the end of summer/early fall!
Q: What are your plans for the rest of this year?
Our primary focus is to release our record and our shirts (which will be out by the end of this month or very early next month) aside from that, we're looking to play as many shows as humanly possible and as far north as possible and ultimately book a short regional tour with a couple of our friends in larger local bands to support our EP.
Q: Do you have any shout outs to give?
Check out our friends in Dealey Plaza, Surrender The Defender, Dreaded Affliction, Life As We Know It and Siege Of Malakand! And if you need good quality recordings at lower than "studio" price, go to Kirkbride Recordings!
My babus <3