Friday, June 14, 2013

Interview with Let The River Swell!

Band: Let The River Swell
Genre: Metalcore

Q: Where does the band name "Let The River Swell" come from?
Its from a proverb that we found. It can be a reference to pretty much anything you want. Most early towns and settlements were focused on rivers because of the resources they brought, so if things are going well in your life the river stands for that. Let the good things keep coming, but rivers can also destroy everything very quickly so if you're having a hard time in life, the river symbolizes moving on, getting rid of the negativity and growing from it.
Q: What is the local metal scene like in Johnstown, PA?

This little area is filled with great people. There's a lot of talent here in western PA that not too many people know about. From pop-punk bands to the heaviest music you can think of. Everyone here has given us a lot of support since we started playing and they've helped us accomplish a lot more than we ever would've thought it such a short time. We're very thankful to have this area as our home. 
Q: You're not currently signed to a label. Which label would you like to be signed to the most and why?

Honestly at this point We'd probably welcome any label that was interested in us. We've all had this dream for so long and have played in so many other bands to get a break like that would be amazing. If we got to pick though we'd probably have to say sumerian or epitaph because a lot of our favorite bands are with those guys, and a lot of the bands we've shared the stage with are on those labels.
Q: When can we expect the album Dreamwalker to release? 
Dreamwalker is currently in the writing process. We've got a lot of material to sort through and perfect. We're going to be hitting up the studio late summer/early fall to record it so definitely before the end of 2013. 
Q: What plays an influence on your music? This could be music related or not be music related.
Life. I feel that answer is so commonly used and kinda cliche but there's no other way to describe it. Our lyrics all have a certain basis in true life events that we've turned into stories. We play to share those stories and also release the energy that we all feel in our everyday lives, whether that be anger, happiness or anywhere else in between. It feels great to see random people posting our lyrics on social media sights. We just hope that we can make an impact on people. Musically our influences range all across the board so its tough to pin point a few certain things that influence us. 
Q: What are your short-term goals for this summer?
We are heading to Springfield Virginia on June 30th to play the Scream The Prayer fest with Impending Doom, Fit For A King and others and we're also playing a battle of the bands for a spot on Pittsburgh's mayhem fest. We've also been doing pretty well with the ernie ball battle of the bands for Warped tour as well so we're hoping to grab that date as well. Between those 3 festivals and our other dates we have booked in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas we're gonna be working on writing the rest of Dreamwalker and also enjoying the summer weather.
Q: Do you have any shout outs to give to the readers?

We wanna thank our friend Corey Barndt for everything he's done for us personally and the band, The dudes over at Merch Lords for printing our shirts, everyone from Royal/Revise and Take Over Soldiers for being great friends and amazing musicians. Everyone who's extended a hand to us and given us a chance to expand this band, and most importantly each and every single person who's believed in us, came to shows, downloaded our music and shared this whole adventure with us. We are very thankful to have your support!

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