Genre: Metalcore
"(In)complete Metamorphosis" is Blue Sky Portrait's single release from their upcoming album Death Bringer. It starts out with layered screams, highs and lows, by Nick. There is a chugging rhythm in the background, by the guitarist Ben and drummer Ben. There is a small break at 1:00 where Nick talks lowly, but soon thereafter it breaks into its normal sound it had in the beginning. There is a breakdown that starts at 1:50 and ends at 2:00, and at 2:00 Nick comes in with high screams stopping the breakdown. The song ends with guitar playing by Ben.
Blue Sky Portrait is on the heavier side of metalcore, but not quite deathcore. "(In)complete Metamorphosis" sounds like your typical metalcore song. This single really does not bring anything new to the table, as it is filled with everything that majority of metalcore bands do. Furthermore, it does not have any standout parts within the song, besides the single breakdown; which isn't anything mind blowing. I hope to see Blue Sky Portrait's album Death Bringer will have some more unique and memorable songs than "(In)complete Metamorphosis."
Score: 2 / 5
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