Monday, August 5, 2013

Dystopian - Armageddon [REVIEW]

Genre: Grindcore / Thrash

Dystopian's debut EP Armageddon is the epitome of gritty and raw grindcore. I don't really listen to grindcore all too often, but this is okay. Aramageddon is four songs long and roughly five minutes worth of material. I know, it's ridiculously short.

"UnicHorny" is the first song and it starts out with blast beasts, low screams/shouts, and a fast-paced sound. The song keeps the same sound and pace throughout the whole song, however there are some parts that are faster than others. The song ends with a slower pace/sound.

"Seminal Breakfast" is the fourth and last song on this EP. It starts out with drums playing, then bass comes in, and all at once guitars and vocals break in. This song has a slower pace than "UnicHorny" had for the most part, except for some parts that are faster than others. It also has more focus on guitar playing than "UnicHorny." The vocals are about the same as the other songs on the EP.

Armageddon is as gritty and raw as you can get for music. It is very fast paced and short lived, because of it only having four songs and not even 10 minutes worth of material. The audio quality is pretty low and throughout the whole EP it sounds like the vocalist is eating the microphone (muffled shouts/screams). I think with improved audio quality, clearer/cleaner sounding vocals, and a lengthier album; Dystopian's next release will be better.

Score: 2.5/5

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