Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Genre: Deathcore/Metalcore

NOVA's self-titled 2013 release has four songs and roughly nine minutes worth of materials. As soon as you start listening to it, you can tell it needs an improvement on audio quality. Besides that, it is pretty decent deathcore. (Since I can't find a track list, I won't be able to name which songs I'm reviewing. So, bare with me!)

The second song (1:50 in the video) starts with guitar chugging and guitar work overlapping it. Its pace transitions quickly to an upbeat pace with guitar chugging, drums, bass, and low screams. Later on in the song, it kind of sounds like the vocalist is randomly screaming into the microphone. During these parts, the vocals lacks flow and doesn't sound like his vocals go together. This is a basic chuggy deathcore song.

The third song (4:00 in the video) starts with guitar chugging and bass pedal in the background being played. A high screams come in and the pace of the drums starts to become faster. The vocals are similar to the second song, in the sense that it lacks flow and sounds like he is randomly screaming. There is a breakdown at 5:20, which I really like. It is the kind of breakdown that makes you want to move around, pump your shoulders up and down, etc. The most stand out thing about this song is the drum playing, it's very good and ties the song together well. 

Like I stated in the introduction, the audio quality on this EP is poor. However, I noticed in some parts in the songs, the audio quality is average or above average for the instrumentals, but always poor for the vocals. I am unsure if that is the studio's fault or the producer's fault with mixing/mastering the songs. The vocals could use some work, more or less with his ability to transition well from each vocal part to the next. It sounds like he is just randomly screaming in some of the parts. Anyway... this EP is okay. If you're into deathcore, give it a listen, it will only take nine minutes of your time!

Score: 3/5

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