Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Make Me A Donut - Olson [REVIEW]

Genre(s): Progressive Deathcore / Metalcore

Make Me A Donut's new album Olson is filled with progressive goodness. It keeps a deathcore sound for majority of the album, except in some parts they throw in singing instead of screams. They are well done and not overdone, so the scream purists cannot complain too much. The instrumentals stick to an overall progressive tone, sounding very similar to some djent bands out there. In some of the songs it is just bone crushing deathcore, but in others it is a journey for the listener, with atmospheric/progressive sounds and overtones. The album itself is eight tracks long and has about 30 minutes worth of materials.

The third song off of Olson is "Haunting Seed" and it is one of the songs that sticks to deathcore with very little progressive influence. The instrumentals are clearly heard and stay around the guitar chugging type of sound. The vocals vary from lows, mids, highs, and some layered low and high screams in some parts. Like every other song on Olson, the audio quality is good and everything is clearly hear-able. It is the second shortest song on the album, being three minutes and 11 seconds long.

"We Are Vendetta" is the fifth song off of this album. It has a lot more progressive sound and overtone than "Haunting Seed" had, and this can be heard from the get-go. For the first 50 seconds of the song it is purely instrumental with guitar playing and a guitar solo. The instrumentals after that are good, switching between or combining guitar chugging and progressive guitar sounds. I think the instrumentals stand out the most in this song. Vocally, Isaie sticks to low and high screams. The low screams are primarily used when the song's sound is guitar chugging, and high screams used when it is more progressive. I am sure this was done purposely, but I like it.

Olson is a solid album that portrays progressive deathcore, metalcore, and some djent influences. I think this album will be one of the overlooked progressive albums of 2013, because Reflections' album Exi(s)t dropped around the same time. The audio quality is good; instrumentally and vocally it is very solid, and overall an album with a lot of variety to show. Therefore, I think you should check out Olson by Make Me A Donut. You can listen to it for free on their Bandcamp page listed above!

Score: 3/5

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