Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nothing To Offer - Circles [REVIEW]

Genre(s): Metalcore

Nothing To Offer's debut single "Circles" is a metalcore song with some progressive influences. The pace of the song is upbeat and fast going. The vocalist, Reed, sticks to low screams and high (shout) screams. They're okay sounding screams, but I do prefer a more scream-y high scream than shout screaming. Instrumentally it's okay too, the instrumentals vary to a progressive sound near the beginning of the song, then have some melodic sounding parts near the middle of the song, and finally transition into a guitar chugging sound near the end of the song. 

Overall, "Circles" is an okay metalcore song. It sounds like it is missing some more power behind it, and that is really the best way I can put it. I do look forward to what Nothing To Offer has in store for us in the future with their music. If you're into metalcore, give this track a listen and download!

Score: 3/5

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