Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Interview with Seek Shelter!

Genre(s): Deathcore/Djent

PSAB: Where did the band name “Seek Shelter” come from exactly?

Phil: When we first started the band. Every practice there would always be shit weather. So Jones Jokingly said "let's call it seek shelter, and everyone in the band at the time decided that it was a good idea".

PSAB: You're working on a new EP, when can we expect that to release this year?

Brandon: We're currently in the process of booking and getting everything set up for the EP release show. We're looking for a date in April or May, but nothing is set in stone at the moment.

PSAB: You're currently unsigned, if you could be signed to any record label, which label would that be and why?

Phil: Rise. There's not many bands like us on the label, and it would help widen our audience
Jones: Nuclear Blast. They have a huge selection of bands, and have released stuff from some of my favorite artists
Brandon: Metal Blade. I feel like we have that sound that would fit, and Whitechapel is signed to them, and to tour with them is one of my goals
Billy: Sumerian. I like the Egyptian sound of the label, Very selective in the sound they want to promote, and touring with some of the bands would be incredible.

PSAB: What is the local metal scene like in Cleveland, OH?

Phil: Its growing again. which is great news. The Elitist atmosphere is almost completely gone. There's much less drama, and its slowly becoming a huge group of friends all with the same goal, To follow their dreams.

PSAB: Which bands play the most influence on your music?

Jones: The Acacia Strain, and Sepultura
Phil: Meshuggah, the Acacia Strain
Billy: Circle of Contempt, Vildhjarta, the Contortionist, Deftones, Substructures, Chimp Spanner (anything Djazz)
Brandon: Whitechapel, Black Tongue, The Acacia Strain, Nine Inch Nails, Structures

PSAB: Do you have any shout outs to give to your fans and the readers out there?

SS: We would like to give a shout out to all the guys in Along Came A Spider, for helping us out, and for being our mentors. Also, The guys in advance on Thermopylae, and our good buddies Charles Dangerman, and Billy Russel for being super fans from the start. And Anyone who appreciates music!

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