Monday, January 19, 2015

Interview with Skeletonwitch!

Genre(s): Symphonic/Blackened Death Metal
Location: Athens, OH
One of our live interviewers, Adrian, caught up with Skeletonwitch at one of their shows in his area. Check out the interview below!
PSAB: How did the name "SkeletonWitch" come about? 

SW: Well, I'm not an original member, but I believe Nate was the one who came up with it, and I think it was basically, "These two words sound cool together, let's use it".
PSAB: What type of inspiration is the band trying to achieve lyrically?

SW: A lot of our lyrics are based off of horror, and fantasy. Inspiration comes from a lot of film, and from the occult and mythology.
PSAB: How did everyone come together to form SkeletonWitch?

SW: Scotty and Nate were in college together, and started hanging out, as a result of being fellow metalheads. They started jamming on riffs, and eventually the Witch was born. The rest is history... 
PSAB: What is your favorite song you guys have wrote?

SW: For me, the second track off Serents Unleashed, "Beneath Dead Leaves", is one of my favorites. It really hits on every aspect of our sound. It's brutal, catchy, and epic all in one 2 and a half minute song. And it's a really fun one to play live.
PSAB: Influences and any shout outs you'd like to give?

SW: We have a very wide range if influences, as it reflects greatly on our song writing. Everything from traditional metal, to black and death metal. Our sound is really just one big mesh of all of our favorites bands, sub genres of metal. I could honestly list a thousand bands that have influenced us in one way or another.

As far as shout-outs, the fans. We have such a tight nit relationship with them, and for that we've been able to gain the success we've achieved. So a huge thank you to any and every person that's attended a show, bought a shirt or record, or just taken time out of your day to listen to the art that we've worked so diligently to create. You guys fucking rule!! And thank you, for this interview, and for helping me that one night, ha!

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