Thursday, May 29, 2014

Interview with Inveterate!

Genre(s): Death Metal
Location: Nordhorn

PSAB: Why did you choose the word "Inveterate" for your band name?

Inveterate: We just wanted to have a strong and short band name like the metal bands back in the 80s. So we came up with Inveterate.

PSAB: How was the feedback when you released Pathogenic? Are you still receiving feedback for it now?

Inveterate: The feedback was awesome so far. We never thought that so many people would actually hear our music, that we have recorded on our own. With this good feedback we can't wait for our first live shows.

PSAB: If you could play with any band live, which band would that be and why?

Inveterate: This is a really difficult question. But I guess to play with Northlane or The Dillinger Escape would be freakin' awesome. Both bands are insane up on stage. Especially The Dillinger Escape Plan are setting new standards for a good and powerful live show.

PSAB: What is the local metal scene like in Nordhorn?

Inveterate: The metalscene here in Nordhorn isn't that big. We have a bunch of metalcore bands around here. But the biggest problem is, that we dont have that much venues here for a big metal show or something else. The most venues are booking mixed genre bands for a show. But we dont have a problem to play a show with rock, blues or even pop bands – we only want to have a good time up on stage.

PSAB: What has played the most influence on your music? This can be non-metal.

Inveterate: The most influence for our debut-ep 'Pathogenic' has played War From A Harlots Mouth. We dont sound like them but we love the way how they write and perfom their songs. Every song from wfahm sounds different and you have to hear the songs several times to recognize every little detail. This was also the reason, that Simon (Guitarist from wfahm), has mixed our EP in his Studio in Tampa (Sludge Studios).

PSAB: Do you have any shout outs to give to your fans, and the readers out there?

Inveterate:  It's so cool that so many of you are supporting the underground bands. Without you none of us could do this. Thank you!

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