Band: Brotalis Le Maximus
Genre: Deathcore / Death Metal
Q: Where does the band name "Brotalis Le Maximus" come from?
the name is kind of Da Vinci inspiered state of name and the Latinish
spelling makes it a bit interesting and the maximal brutality.
Q: You're a one-man band. Why did you choose to be a one-man band compared to the traditional band settings?
already play in a full band but this one man band thing it's easier to
experiment with sounds, tunings, genre mashups and so on. So it's basically an experiment to try to create something insane and maybe new.
Q: What is the local metal scene like in Brandbu?
In Brandbu i am the only metal band at least of what i know. it's a huge
farmville and almost no one listens to that type of music.
Q: If you could be signed to any record label, which one would it be and why?
don't know who i would be liked to signed to. there are so many labels
today so but if something comes up ill take it of course.
Q: When did you start wanting to create music? Was it at random?
i was growing up i was a very angry kid. i was bullied a hell of a lot
and it was hard. but in 5th grade i discovered cannibal corpse and let
all the feelings go out through music and later on i picked up drums and
later guitar and bass and started writing my own music, and then i
needed a vocalist so i had to learn to growl some how. and then i also went over to design and music video production.
Q: What are your short-term plans for this summer?
for the summer are Brotalis Le Maximus album release and Skalpelert
Foster EP release, and two more projects i have to write down and put
online and ofcource film a couple of music videos for them.
Q: Any shout outs to give?
want to shout out to you guys from Pig Squeals And Breakdowns and all
the Norwegian metal band and producers that support and keep driving the
genre forward in our country!

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