Monday, June 24, 2013

Reaching For Dawn - Their Prophecy [REVIEW]

Genre: Metalcore

Reaching For Dawn's recently released single "Their Prophecy" is roughly four minutes in length, filled with guitar chugging, low and high screams, and just about everything that you would expect in a metalcore song. It's start out with a guitar solo by Rogier or Colin; which is followed by a breakdown. Louis's vocals break out right after the breakdown with low screams. The song keeps up the pace it started with, and continues with the rhythm of guitar chugging and drums. There are well placed breakdowns throughout the song, some big or small, and they do not take away from the song or are the focal points of the songs (like most metalcore songs).

Overall, this song is more of the heavier side of metalcore. It is very well rounded and does not have too much or too less of something, and it just seems everything is in good portions and fits together. Though it does not bring anything new to the table, nor does it have anything unique or original about it. I would recommend this song to anyone who enjoys the heavier side of metalcore.

Score: 3.5 / 5

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