Genre: Progressive Death Metal
Infinite Design's track, "Fragments," is the first single to be released from their upcoming album Fragments. It starts out with relaxing ambient sounds, then breaks into guitar riffs and drums. Following this are high screams by Larry. The pace of a song is definitely death metal influenced. The pace of the song of slow, at least for my taste. There are small breaks in between the pace of the song to focus on guitars and drums. There is another break for a guitar solo at 3:45 in the song up until 4:12, and following that there is a breakdown. Later on in the song, there is another guitar solo and it finishes off the song.
"Fragments" is a pretty good song, but is a slow song and may turn away some listeners because of it. The song is over six minutes long, though it is not Between The Buried And Me long, it is still lengthy. It does not have too much going on throughout the song as well, which makes it seem longer than it is too. Anyway, it is progressive death metal all the way with little influence from any other genres. I think the other songs off of their upcoming album Fragments will show more of what Infinite Design is about, since the other tracks aren't as lengthy.
Score: 3.5 / 5
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