Genre: Djent / Groove / Progressive Metalcore
"Epidemia" is the most recent single released by Keeper of the Sea. It starts out with guitar chugging and drums in a bullet shooting-like sound, then transitions into a more progressive sound with high vocals from Kris. At 0:40 there is a breakdown-like part in the song which has a progressive guitar tone, with some experimental iwrestledabearonce sounding guitar riffs, and low and mid screams. It goes into a full breakdown soon thereafter with guitar chugging and low screams. The pace of the song changes at around 1:50 for a small period of time, but goes back to the normal guitar chugging pace.
I find that the guitar stands out the most for this song, and you can notice it changing sound throughout the song. The song is pretty good and it does have different things going on, for the most part, for most of the song. I do wish that they used more of their djent and progressive influence in this song than plain metalcore (guitar chugging, slow breakdowns, etc). If you're into the heavier side of metalcore, with some progressive influence, you'll like this song.
Score: 3.5/5
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