Monday, June 9, 2014

Interview with Stillness Before The Storm!

Genre(s): Metalcore
Location: Parker, CO

PSAB: Why did you choose the name "Stillness Before The Storm" for your band?

SBTS: To be quite honest when we picked the name we weren't quite thinking about how we might be able to fit that title, we just kinda picked something that sounded different than other metalcore bands in the scene. Now we feel like we fit the name musically and also lyrically.

PSAB: You recently released a new single, "Motion Of Thought" on the 26th of May. How has the feedback been for that single?

SBTS: Motion of Thought was really our first song that was unanimously loved throughout the band and with confidence I can say that most of the feedback has been quite positive. It's our first song with clean vocals! We released through Pure Deathcore, and they seem to have a pretty stubborn fanbase, but even with clean vocals and multiple melodies we have been able to please even the most stubborn listeners.

PSAB: If you could share the stage with any band, which band would that be?

SBTS: As a whole, sbts has had probably too many influences over the years. Out of all the band's that have made us who we are, August burns Red has been a band favorite. Sharing the stage with those guys would be unreal.

PSAB: What is the local metal scene like in your area?

SBTS: Starting a band in Denver, CO gave us sort of an advantage in saying that the metal scene here is quite strong. I could name just about 15 or so local bands that are genuinely good and well known across the scene. Most of the community is friendly and are willing to help eachother out and make the scene fun and enjoyable.

PSAB: What non-metal bands have played an influence on your music?

SBTS: For me personally, I listen to a lot of NON metal more than metal haha. Just to start, bon iver, Dave Matthews, John butler trio, drake, Ellie goulding,the 1975 , st. Lucia, have all influenced my playing and songwriting greatly. In fact, the intro to the song the Angels walk by us and the Outro of motion of thought were both inspired and were sort of a tribute to John Butler.

PSAB: Do you have any shout outs to give to your fans, and the readers out there?

SBTS: As for shout outs, us as a band couldn't be more happy with our fans. We have never paid for a single like and have hit 1000 likes with ease. I want to just say to the fans keep spreading the storm and keep your eyes open for our upcoming EP Welcome to the Rapture!!! Thanks guys !! 

All questions answered by Conor Amanatullah, the drummer of SBTS.

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