Thursday, January 8, 2015

Interview with Eastfrisian Terror!

Genre(s): Deathgrind
Location: Emden

PSAB: Where does the band name " Eastfrisian Terror" come from? 

: The name was an idea by our vocalist “ Mr. Deichkot”. He got it while he was taking a shower. He thought that we’re from Eastfrisia (the area we’re living in) and we’re raising terror (with our music). So the name “ Eastfrisian Terror” was born. 
PSAB: What are your plans for the upcoming new year? Play shows? Write music? Tour? 

: Plans are a bit difficult at the moment as our drummer “ Dr. Darmrohr” is very busy at his job at the moment. Due to his lack of time a friend of us – the drummer of the Death Metal-band “ Path Of Betrayal” is helping us out for our next gig in Osnabrück with “ Cryptopsy” and “ Austin Deathtrip” (if necessary and possible maybe for some further gigs, too). If we can get further gigs we’ll take them of course as performing live is not only very important to spread our music but also great fun and an experience. Every gig does help us to improve our live performance and playing skills. 
We’re ambitious in that case and want to offer the best possible we can give. If we have time between the gigs we want to do new songs as we have meanwhile ideas for at least 15 songs. If you imagine that we could play twice as long live as we’re doing now we have to keep an eye on doing new songs. It’s also necessary for our development in kind of songwriting. You’ll be surprised what kind of songs we can play if you still know our actual material. Touring is nearly impossible at the moment due to our jobs. It would mean that everybody of us can get holiday for the same time and if it’s possible we could maybe do a mini tour for a timeframe of about three weeks maximum. But regardless all problems we’re facing now we want to prepare for our next release. I guess this should be possible this year. 
PSAB: If you had the choice to have a musician featured on one of your tracks. Which musician would that be and why? 

: Very interesting question! I guess anyone of us would prefer another musician and another song in which he should perform. Maybe our drummer would choose “ Flo Mounier” or “ George Kollias” as they’re mighty drummers with a lot of power, speed, technic and accuracy. Our bassist would choose maybe “ Alex Webster” because of his playing skills by fingers. Our vocalist’s choice would be maybe “ Lord Worm” or “ George Corpsegrinder Fischer” because of their bestial voices. Our other guitarist’s choice would be maybe “ Mitch Harris” as he’s one of those legendary old school guitar players. 
And my choice is very difficult as I like guitarists such as “ John Petrucci”, “ Jeff Loomis”, “ Dr. Viossy”, “ Yngwie J. Malmsteen”, “ Dave Suzuki”, “ Commander In Chief” or “ Chuck Shuldiner” (RIP) due to their fantastic technical skills (but of course there are a lot of other guitarists who are worth to be mentioned in that case, too). It would be very interesting to hear how our song would sound with this/those musician/s. It would be interesting to hear a song by us as a cover version from another band, too (maybe done by the mentioned musicians as an “allstar band”?). 
PSAB: What is the metal scene like in Emden? 

: The metal scene is something like a family to me. Maybe there are towns/cities with a bigger metal scene but we have a very good one, too. And most of the people are in that scene for a very long time and with a lot of heart and soul. If a band should split up the members are doing a new band. So we might miss bands such as “ Meatknife”, “ Vomiting Corpses” and “ Fearer” to name a few – we are proud to have bands such as “ WeakAside”, “ Bestiality” and “ Anasarca” but other bands, too. In addition we have wellknown radio shows such as “ Radio Gehacktes” and “ Radio Mähdrescher” and other active supporters of the scene. 
The highlight of the year is the metal festival “ Ear-Terror” which takes place on two days (friday and saturday) every year in November. To this dates the whole metal scene comes together to see the shows of the playing bands and to meet each other and have a good time. This is something I don’t want to miss (“Lever Dood As Slaav”)! 
PSAB: You're currently signed to Rotten Roll Rex. How has the experience been being signed to them? 

: Being signed is a great thing in general because you have someone who is supporting your music which makes everything more easy in kind of distribution and marketing. Being signed to “Rotten Roll Rex” is something special as we know Marco (the lable owner) for a longer time. He’s very much into that what he’s doing and being signed to him means that he’s into our music, too. As long as we both benefit by this corporation it’s a good thing for him and us. As long as we can do music, play live and record CD’s we have everything we want to have (we know that we won’t become rich by it to be able to cancel our jobs to only make music in the future – but this isn’t the reason for us for making music). 
PSAB: Any shout outs to give? 

: Yeah – thank you very much for your interview and the interesting questions. It was big fun to answer them! And dear reader: thank you very much for your time and interest to read it. Visit us on our homepage  and read the reviews for our actual release “ EastfrisiApocalypse” and check it out, see the videos from us on YouTube, visit our gigs and enjoy our madness. We want to meet you and we want you to be a part of living the musical terror.

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