Genre(s): Cybergrind
Location: Gothenburg
PSAB: Why did you choose the name "They Ate Isengard" for your band?
TAI: It's more of a musical project than a band. Smartass-ness aside, the name doesn't really mean anything. Or well, now it does, since that's what I'm calling the project. I guess that was sort of the thought from the start, make something up and make it into something. People seem to think it's a reference to the "They're Taking The Hobbits To Isengard" video, which it isn't. Weird.
TAI: It's more of a musical project than a band. Smartass-ness aside, the name doesn't really mean anything. Or well, now it does, since that's what I'm calling the project. I guess that was sort of the thought from the start, make something up and make it into something. People seem to think it's a reference to the "They're Taking The Hobbits To Isengard" video, which it isn't. Weird.
PSAB: You released your album Concrete Whore House earlier this month. How's the feedback been for the album?
TAI: Good, from what I've heard. It usually takes my releases a few months to gain some sort of recognition, even just a little. That's the curse of the poor independent artist I guess, although I do have a quiet pack of loyal followers... at least that's what my Bandcamp statistics tells me. Then again, it's only a compilation EP, so I'm not really expecting much.
PSAB: If you had the choice to have a musician featured on one of your tracks. Which musician would that be and why?
TAI: Realistically: Chelsea Wolfe, she's alive and awesome. Ty Segall is also a hot alternative. Unrealistically: some very heavy figure, like Ian Curtis or Jimi Hendrix. I can't really envision the sound of the collab though. But I'm sure we'd make something up.
PSAB: How is the metal scene in your area?
TAI: It's basically the single music scene in Gothenburg. That or Hip-Hop-ism. I wouldn't turn down an experimental metal movement around here, I'd be nice, maybe I'd get some friends then. Or an avant-garde movement, although I don't think they'd approve of my messy glitchin-about.
PSAB: What are three bands that play the most influence on your music?
TAI: I think my discovery of Born of Osiris changed my whole view on metal music. The early works of Bring Me The Horizon is what got me into the whole scream-side of music, while Suicide Silence brought me further into it. Nowadays I've softened up a great bit though.
PSAB: Do you have any shout outs to give?
TAI: Hey mom look I'm doing an interview!
last question lol XD love this band, so humble and down to earth :P