Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Interview with Slaves of Conscience!

Band: Slaves of Conscience
Genre: Deathcore / Death Metal

Q: Where does the band name "Slaves of Conscience" come from?
The name Slaves of Conscience comes from a concept I've always found fascinating. Your conscience is the thing that tells you right from wrong, right? Well right and wrong are just concepts made up by man to describe something such as good and evil. But what is good to one person, may be evil to another, and vice versa. Now, if good and evil have different definitions in everyone's conscience, how can those concepts truly exist? And if we base almost every decision on something that does not truly exist, then we are slaves to it indeed.

Q: What is local metal scene like in Hendersonville, NC?
Unfortunately, the metal scene is not as large as we would like it to be. There are some really talented acts in the state itself, around Asheville or Charlotte, and some in the South Carolina that we have had the pleasure to perform with, but around here, it is scarce.
Q: When did you get the motivation to start making music?
The three of us all have different stories. I myself (Zack the guitarist) have been playing and writing music for almost 10 years. Metal and rock in general has always been and I'm sure always will be my favorite genre. Abe, the drummer, moved here from the Philippines three years ago after playing with a band for some time. In Slaves of Conscience, he uses his past experiences to motivate him to continue to make some sick stuff. Kris, our vocalist, had been a drummer for quite some time before deciding to try his hand at vocals, and has always been motivated by bands like Job for a Cowboy, The Black Dahlia Murder, and related bands to make music.

Q: When can the fans expect to hear new music from you?
In the four months or so we have been a band, we have released one four-song demo available for free download at our Facebook page. We are continuing to write music as we start playing shows, we'll release a few singles in the months to come, but for right now we are focusing on getting our name out there and playing more shows!

Q: What plays an influence on your music the most and why? This can be non-music related.
Personally, I am influenced by bands like As Blood Runs Black, Salt the Wound, All Shall Perish, and Whitechapel (my big four). Lyrically I tend to focus on things like government, war, worldly events and concerns for the most part. Kris takes a more personal and evil approach to his lyrics, writing songs like Life of the Damned, which goes through the experiences of a damned soul descending to hell. Abe's influences include Chris Adler (Lamb of God), Tomas Haake (Meshuggah), and other very rhythmically challenging musicians.

Q: What are your goals for the rest of the year?
We hope to release a full album, signed or not, and continue to play as many shows as we can get on! Hopefully we will be able to tour the NC/SC region a little bit, and spread our music around!

Q: Do you have any shout outs to give?

I would like to thank my old guitar teacher of one year, Mark Bennet, without him to teach me my knowledge of music theory, I guarantee I would not be able to write half the things I do with SOC. Abe gives a shout-out to his friends and family back in the Philippines. And from all of us, a HUGE shout out to all the bands and everyone in the crowd at the Skate Park of Greenville who came to see our first show, and to every metalhead in the world, \m/.

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