Sunday, January 12, 2014

Incisus - Depredate [REVIEW]

Genre(s): Death Metal/Deathcore

Incisus's debut EP Depredate is a mix of death metal and deathcore. It has seven tracks and roughly 25 minutes worth of listening materials. Incisus, or this album, reminds me of an older death metal/deathcore band called From The Shallows. Not so much the instrumentals, but the vocals are very similar sounding to the vocalist of From The Shallows. So, if you're a fan of that band, or were, you'll probably like Depredate.

The fourth song off of this EP is "A Perception's Requiem." The pace of this song is really upbeat and fast. It's like getting hit in the face with a ton of bricks from start to finish, because it never lets up. Instrumentally, it a bit technical in some parts but in others it is purely riffs and/or guitar chugging. Also, near the end of the song, there is a guitar solo. There are a lot of good blast beats in this song too, so good work to Chris, the drummer. The vocal style that is used the most in this song are high screams, which remind me the most of the vocals from From The Shallows. Other than high screams, mid and low screams are used. They fit really well with the instrumentals.

"Devastation" is the sixth song off of this EP. The pace is about the same as "A Perception's Requiem" but not as "in your face." However, it is still pretty fast and it's a barrage of death metal goodness from beginning to end. The instrumentals used in this song sound similar to the ones used in the previous song reviewed, which could be both a good thing or a bad thing. 
It's a good thing because the instrumentals used in the previous song reviewed are good, and so these instrumentals are good. It's a bad thing, because it lacks variety and if both songs were listened back to back, it may sound like it's just one long song. The instrumentals have one difference when compared to "A Perception's Requiem" because these instrumentals have more guitar chugging. Vocally, it is roughly the same as well, but the vocals sound good, so I have no complaints.

Depredate, overall, is a really solid EP. Incisus sticks to mostly the really fast, in your face, type of death metal. They sometimes mix some deathcore elements into their music, but it is very subtle and not too noticeable. I really do like this EP, but there is a lack of variety from song to song. Sometimes when listening straight through the album, it can sound like it is just one long song, since each song lacks variety to differentiate each other from one another. Other than that, I would recommend checking out Incisus's music, or picking up this album. It is only up to purchase physically (as far as I can see) for $8. So check them out!

Score: 3.5/5


  1. Is the person who wrote this like 7?

  2. Seriously, this isn't a review, it's just some idiot who can't write giving us a boring and half-assed commentary of what happened throughout the EP
