Sunday, March 9, 2014

Interview with Alienchrist!

Genre(s): Progressive Daethcore
Location: Seville, Spain

PSAB: Where did the band name “Alienchrist” come from exactly?

AC: One night we were composing in an abandoned house. This abandoned house is well known for paranormal activity and I always go there to chill. As we fooled around with my Ouija board (I have teased the Ouija since my early years), we decided to ask what we should call our new band. Some entity then said 1-1-2-9-5-1-4-C-H-R-I-S-T. We were astonished, as we did not understand the numerical meaning (besides the word Christ). It took us a while to understand that the numerical message we were given meant ALIEN. That’s how we came across our band name. 

PSAB: How was the feedback when you released Extraterrestrial Biological Entity? Are you still receiving feedback now?

AC: We expected nothing from it therefore it was better then expected. 
Mind you, the recording budget were really tight and we still came up with some great songs. Actually, more people talk about us then we expected. I thought, because we are kind of unknown, that not a lot of people would notice but I'm surprised how much people actually talk about us now. Extraterrestrial Biological Entity is the first track we released and we received a lot of mixed emotions and that is exactly what we needed to progress. We will be releasing two more tracks very soon and expect to create a lot of controversy.

PSAB: You're currently unsigned, if you could be signed to any record label, which label would that be and why?

AC: Yes, we are currently unsigned and to be honest we feel that there’s no record label in Spain ready to match our requirements. Most management labels will rip you off in the blink of an eye. Whereby many musicians get so focused on being "signed" to a label, that they never step back and question if that's even necessary. In fact, they seem to think that "unsigned" has a stigma attached to it as if they feel they're somehow inferior. These days, there are so many ways that independent musicians can do things, that not every artist needs a label and "getting signed" doesn't need to be the primary goal.

PSAB: What is the local metal scene like in Seville, Spain?

AC: There’s actually a lot wrong with the Seville metal music scene. As for what I’ve seen lately, local bands aren’t offering much in terms of diversity, and they’re over-saturating the markets to the point where it’s the same band at the same venue a couple times a month. As for the fans, it just seems like many would rather just sit behind their computers than support any local bands because metal bands in Seville don’t seem to progress or innovate. The common genre for the vast majority of the bands got stuck somewhere around de 90’s so...when diversity goes, you end up with a very significant decrease in attendance!

PSAB: Which bands play the most influence on your music?

AC: It really depends on the individual as we all come from very different backgrounds and have quite different tastes to music. I think that’s what makes us create what we create. I would say that bands like Oceano, Demolisher, Born Of Osiris, Infant Annihilator, Black Tongue, I Declare War, Condemned, Aversions Crown, Science Of Sleep, Chamber Of Malice, Thy Art Is Murder,
Make Them Suffer, Chelsea Grin play a major influence on me.

PSAB: Do you have any shout outs to give to your fans?

AC: I just want to thank those who appreciate and believe in our work and I hope to meet them on our live shows and share some moments together. Always stay true to yourselves and follow what you believe in.


  1. Juan Castilla is the best 10 string guitar there,if it is an alien

  2. perfect!! sehr gut
