Friday, April 19, 2013

Hester Prynne - Black Heart Market [REVIEW]

Genre: Deathcore

Hester Prynne is back with the same sound you fell in love with in their earlier album The Goswell Divorce, but with a more average deathcore sound added in. This newish addition does not take away from the unique sound and style Hester Prynne has had over the years, and I think their next release The Black Heart Market is going to be one of the top deathcore albums of 2013 (and probably 2014). 

Anyway, to the review of the newest released single "Black Heart Market." Right out of the door you get the unique vocal styles of Lance, with chugging guitars and drums in sync with his vocals in the background. There is a small break at 1:00 until about 1:10 which then goes into a pig squeal and a small breakdown. Soon thereafter there are fast paced high screams by Lance and an even higher scream at 1:33. At 1:45 the biggest breakdown occurs within the song, and it is definitely something breakdown lovers should check out. The remainder of the song is the same pace and rhythm earlier in the song had, but has a guitar solo at 3:00 and a breakdown guitar solo combination at the end of the song.

Overall, I think this song is great and being only the pre-album version, I cannot wait to hear it completely finished and on the album, along with the other songs. The production is well done and the audio quality is great too.

Score: 4.9 / 5

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