Friday, April 19, 2013

Interview with Servantum!

Band: Servantum
Genre: Death Metal

Q: Why did you choose the name "Servantum" for your band name?

It was something that came up to me in the middle of the night, as good inspiration usually does. I was thinking about humanity, and our function on this earth. My conclusion was that we’re all just tiny pieces serving the system, but without all the tiny pieces we call persons the system wouldn’t exist. I wanted to do something with “Servant”, Servantum juist sounded right at that time.

Q: Your band took a break between 2012 and 2013, why did you guys decide on a break?

The smell in the tourbus was terrible, so we had to get it cleaned! No that’s a joke. It’s just something we needed, we were really busy with other things and we thought it would be good to take a step back for a while. I think it a good thing to do, there is a whole new and fresh spirit in the band now. We are back in business, the first shows are getting in and there is a lot of new material to show!

Q: What is the local metal scene in Dordrecht?

Let’s say it’s not booming business right now. There are a few nice bands around, but there are no regular metal nights in bars or clubs. I certainly hope that’s about to change now that the “Bibelot” has opened it’s doors of their new location.

Q: Your Facebook profile says you're influenced by old school death metal, which old school death metal bands in particular?

Well that obviously differs for all members so I’ll just speak for myself. I love Possessed, Death, Suffocation, Carcass, Autopsy, Master, Immolation, and the early work of Cannibal Corpse (but dig their latest album too!). I also listen to a lot of modern death metal, hardcore, metalcore and deathcore. Right now I’m totally into the new The Black Dahlia Murder, Behemoth, Whitechapel, Infant Annihilator and Parkway Drive.

Q: You're working on new material for an upcoming release. What can we expect from this new material and when will be able to listen to it?

Yeah! What can you expect? I think the new songs are heavier then the first EP, but still diverse as you’re used of us. I notice a huge development since we took a break, it’s good to write songs with no pressure of time you know… There is no release date available at this moment, we are going to take the time we need to produce the best record we can. You will definitely know as soon as it’s available!

Q: What are your plans for this summer?

Right now we are booking a lot of shows, but there are no special plans for the summer yet. We are still finishing some of the new songs, there is a chance we spend the sunny days recording haha. As soon as we got new material out we’ll hit the road for sure!

Q: Any shout outs to give to the readers?

Well, we could use your help actually. Ever since we got asked what genre we play in a radio interview 2 weeks ago, we’re trying to figure that out! Maybe the readers could help us out? Apart from that, just keep it heavy guys!

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